Aptos exists to demonstrate Christ's security within pastors and ministry leader's finances. Ultimately our security lies in Him alone. Pastors who are secure in their future can be more effective in present ministry. With over 15 years of experience.
Aptos uses mainly real estate to produce its returns. Aptos is generous in its mission providing fixed rate returns on secured and unsecured positions that far outpace other investment vehicles. All remaining proceeds in Aptos, once all project costs have been accounted for, go to charitable organizations that are strengthening Christ's church. We view this as a vital, forward-looking ministry in the face of a rapidly shifting church financial landscape and increasing cost of living.
Partner with us today to see your current finances bolstered and your retirement tarry for the long haul.
Full Disclosure: We are not licensed financial advisors nor are we investment brokers. We develop and invest in real estate for a living and want to be generous with our returns in order to see Christ's kingdom advance.